Interests and Hobbies

It's not all work, work, work and I have many interests and hobbies which span beyond school work.

I have played flute since the age of six and I hope to take my grade 8 this year. Playing the flute is not just something I really enjoy but also something which has increased my confidence through performing at many concerts such as carol concerts and Horncastle music centre concerts. Playing in everything from solos to orchestra has enabled me to work well with other people and preparing myself for music examinations takes a lot of practice and has allowed me to work well independently too. It has been a long term commitment that has improved my digital dexterity; something I feel could be useful considering some of the new surgical techniques entering the profession.
Through flute I have performed to primary schools, at nursing homes and taken part in workshops which require you to play new pieces with people that you have never met before. I have always enjoyed the challenge that the flute has given me and I hope to continue playing it well into university.

I am also an active member in our school sports team and enjoy everything from hockey to athletics. I have been in the school teams for netball, rounders and hockey representing our school across Lincolnshire since year 7. I have been on tour with our hockey team and love playing for my school.

I would love to continue playing hockey and hopefully take up athletics again at university as well as taking part in other sports!

I have ridden since the age of six and though not competed it is one of my favourite hobbies. I have ridden at various ridding school and almost always ridding different horses at each and so I adapt well to all sorts of different situations. When I can, I now ride one of my neighbour's horses, Twister, who always keeps me on my toes.

I worked at my local riding stables every Saturday morning over a period of a year and learnt a lot about horse management and care.

I also have an interest in the running of my school. I have been elected onto the school council for four consecutive years and so I am involved in organising charity fund raising as well as improvements to the school. I co-chaired the meetings for three months in 2009 and part of this involved organising a week of activities for the whole school. I not only participate in all the meetings but for two years took the minutes of each meeting for which I was then responsible for and I ensured that every form representative received a copy. I have been one of only two students who have been asked to represent the school at two events where students were invited to East Lindsey District Council to express our views on issues in the county such as transport, youth centres and tackling drugs / alcohol. It allowed me to develop my debating and listening skills as well as giving a presentation about our findings which has developed my public speaking skills.

I am also an elected member of the Sixth Form Committee which is a subcommittee of the main school council and is purely for the sixth form. We discuss issues raised by members of the sixth form and organise fund raisers. We have been working closely with the police and last year I was asked to join the neighbour policing panel for Horncastle, representing the school and under 18's in Horncastle. Getting involved is important to me and through my various roles I have gained confidence and developed my ability to work as part of a team as well as my leadership skills. This year I was elected Head Girl, a fantastic opportunity and I am loving the role. From attending Governors' meetings, organising the redevelopment of our Sixth Form Study facilites and speaking at public school events, it is a big role but one which I get plenty out of.
Last year I was also asked to be a science mentor to two year 9 students because my teachers felt that I have the knowledge and communication skills to mentor them. I saw them once or twice a week for 30 minutes over 9 months and I really enjoyed it. It is nice to think that I gave something back and to help them get the grade that they deserved and has also expanded my knowledge - some of the questions they asked needed additional research!

I have also helped out with 'Talking Newspaper' a scheme which we run at school in which we pick out key stories and upcoming events from the local newspaper, read out and record onto a tape. This is then copied and sent out to visually impaired people in our local community.

These roles allow me to work with both the old and young and so I am confident when talking with all kinds of people - something which is important in the Veterinary profession.
I also enjoy photography when I have the time! I started it as part of my GCSE Art project and I have continued because it is one of my many passions. I got involved more with photography when I joined a website, Redbubble, which allows users to load images and comment on others. I joined in September 2009 and I am now an elected group host and so am responsible for setting challenges, featuring images and moderating images in the group. I am only an amateur and love seeing other peoples work and learning from them and trying the techniques they used in my own work but with my own twist on it.